Eyeshield 21 episode 1 dubbed
Eyeshield 21 episode 1 dubbed

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  • eyeshield 21 episode 1 dubbed

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    eyeshield 21 episode 1 dubbed

    While it is okay to mention other anime/manga websites, do not deliberately advertise them. Flag comments violating this rule and we will deal with them accordingly. In any way, do not start or participate in any flame wars. While swearing is allowed (unless really excessive), do not direct it at other users. One way or another, keep comments related to the anime at hand or about 9anime in general. If you want to discuss future episodes, we have a channel dedicated to spoilers on our Discord. We are not Meme Central nor do we want to be. Pointless text/text that can be identifiable as spoliers such as "Everyone dies" or "Han shot first!" is not allowed. Comments containing intentional and unprovoked spoilers (posts like "X is the Beast Titan" "X is Y's brother") that are clearly not theories or guesses will result in an instant ban. Do not post them! It doesn't matter if someone asked for them, or not - it will still result in a warning and/or a ban. Disliking an opinion is not a valid reason for flagging. If you see anyone violating the rules, please use the report button ("mark as inappropriate").

    Eyeshield 21 episode 1 dubbed